Editor's Note: *Recorded during the sessions for Nothing But A Burning Light, but never used on the album.
3 November 1991: "There are a couple of songs, three in fact [Wake Up Willie, Let The Bad Air Out, Coyote Blue], that we recorded when we were doing the new album that didn't end up on the album. And that was one of them [Coyote Blue]. I think we thought that that one was just too silly for the rest of the album. But your perspective changes sometimes when we're up here looking at you. (laughter) I don't mean it like that or anything, whatever that is. They were kind of fun songs that didn't seem to fit the rest of album in the way the rest of the album fits together, so we didn't put them on." - as said at the 3 November 1991 show at Thunder Bay, Ontario; from a post to the Humans discussion list by Blair in November, 1996. Anonymous submission.
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