-- Shepherds --
released 1993

Found on:

Christmas (1993)

In The Falling Dark (2002)

They wake up suddenly in the night
There is light
And figures dancing in the sky
Clothed in more colours than the world can contain

And all the silences of the night
Leap in song
Like that of a river cascading
from the wild mountain to the slow human plain

Gloria! Gloria in the highest!

A child's cry sounds from far away
It's almost day
And in the brown-air town away below
Three travelers reap a star harvest
and then go on their way again

Gloria! Gloria in the highest!
Gloria! Gloria in the highest!

Known comments by Bruce Cockburn about this song, by date:

  • Album notes: 'I wrote this one.'

  • December 1993 -

    It puts things in a slightly modern context. Subtly though. We don't have oil derricks [?] or anything like that, but it is subtly modern. This is called Shepherds.
    -- from "Simon Mayo interviews Bruce Cockburn" (from Canada), BBC Radio 1, December 1993, Transcribed and submitted to the project by David Newton.

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    This page is part of The Cockburn Project, a unique website that exists to document the work of Canadian singer-songwriter and musician Bruce Cockburn. The Project archives self-commentary by Cockburn on his songs and music, and supplements this core part of the website with news, tour dates, and other current information.